Calabasas Massage

Calabasas Massage Therapy

Calabasas Massage Therapy uses both Eastern and Western techniques to guide their clients on their personal journey to total body wellness.  In Calabasas, our Therapeutic Massage practice has evolved in the field of healing and wellness for two decades. Calabasas Massage Therapy incorporates both ancient and western techniques, we are committed to guiding our clients on their personal journey to total body wellness.  Calabasas Massage Therapy blends Acupressure, Shiatsu massage, Deep Tissue massage, Swedish massage and Reflexology with Breathing Techniques, often incorporating Energy Work and Aromatherapy.

At Calabasas Massage Therapy, we are dedicated to restoring balance by clearing the mind and healing the body, empowering our clientele with serenity and inner peace in a soothing and calming atmosphere we create for you.

Skilled in a variety of healing massage and therapeutic modalities, our wellness professionals provide the exclusive attention that will engage both body and soul using only the finest organic products.

Surrounded by candlelight, aromatherapy, and the soothing sounds of exquisite music, your customized treatment will align your senses to relax and rejuvenate you emotionally, spiritually and physically.

As the rhythm of nature flows together to create earth’s symphony, so will our therapists orchestrate your restoration to harmony and balance.

Calabasas Massage Therapy invites you to experience our healing arts.