Foot Reflexology Massage Calabasas

Foot Reflexology Massage

Dating back to Egyptian times, reflexology is a profoundly relaxing, specific pressure and massage technique working on precise reflex points of your feet that correspond to all organs, glands, bones, and muscles.

Reflexology helps cleanse your system of toxins, improves blood circulation, and supports you body’s own healing potential.  Reflexology releases energy blocks and is especially beneficial for headaches, sinusitis, asthma, muscle tension, back pain, digestive disorders, fatigue, insomnia and women’s health issues. 
When specific pressure is applied on the feet, it balances the nervous system and releases chemicals such as endorphins that reduce pain and release stress.  Making you a very happy individual!

How Does Reflexology Work?

When you have an imbalance/blockage in your body, your body creates a chemical that gets in the way of our bio-electric energy flow. When you apply pressure to reflex points on the feet, your circulation improves, allowing the blood to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the cells.
Stress causes organs and glands to become overactive or under active. Reflexology helps the body to restore balance, allowing the body to heal itself.
During a reflexology session you feel overwhelmingly relaxed and in somewhat of a meditative state of being.